Anyone working in B2B marketing and PR knows what an important tool a whitepaper is.
A deep dive into a specific subject closely related to the brand or organisation’s field of expertise, a whitepaper seeks to inform its audience with engaging content. And ultimately present the author as an expert in the field.
With a high level of technical detail which adds value to the audience, whitepapers can increase trust, strengthen brand loyalty, and allow the brand to be seen as a thought-leader in a particular topic.
With content housed on the brand’s website, another key aim is to generate new leads and sales.
And with fresh content, elements of the whitepaper can also be sold into relevant trade and consumer press.
So once you’ve chosen your subject, how do you make your whitepaper stand out and create a buzz?
It is most common for such documents to cover technical information in great detail, giving the audience a deeper understanding of the issues being discussed.
And these tend to be long form pieces. To avoid overwhelming readers with pages of text, it’s worth incorporating how-to-guides, infographics, breakout boxes and diagrams, and even mathematical formulas, to make the concepts conveyed more digestible.
But to take your whitepaper to the next level, transforming it into multicoloured up-to-the-minute report, shining a light on the attitudes and behaviour of those involved in the industry issue, consider commissioning bespoke research.
We all know that statistics are a hugely effective way of giving your audience a snapshot of the trends relevant to the subject.
They also provide new and unique information that no one else will have written about, while providing an air of objectivity to your arguments and making the issues you are outlining even more robust.
Offering statistical proof of the thrust of your paper gives added credence, and also the statistics are just what industry and consumer media will want to cover if you do decide to create a press release about the whitepaper.
We at Perspectus Global work with corporate PR agencies to undertake both B2B and consumer research for whitepapers across an array of industries and sectors.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can make your whitepaper stand out, just get in touch at