Perspectus Global’s Menopause at Work Report 2023
Do you know what your employees are thinking? If not, here’s why you should (and how you can)
Qual + quan research = successful B2B research
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Welcome to the Perspectus Global blog. Here you can read our news and views – plus some clues and tips about developing robust and revealing research projects
Do you know what your employees are thinking? If not, here’s why you should (and how you can)
Caitlin MacLeanApr 12, 2023 Analysis, Featured, Guides
Mentor chats, appraisals, personal development plans, 360 sessions - these are all really useful tools to gauge what a particular employee is feeling about their current role, job development opportunities, and colleague and boss feedback about their performance.And...
Swearing, the Evolution of Language and Britain
Evie PorterMar 28, 2023 Uncategorised
Since we were kids, many of us have been told that swearing is not big and not clever - and that using the wrong words could mean trouble. But is that still true in 2023? We wanted to dig a little deeper into the real relationship between Britons and swear words.The...
Now Focus: Why Use Focus Groups For Research?
Evie PorterFeb 27, 2023 Research
There are many tools available for research - online quantitative polls, face-to-face interviews, postal surveys, hall tests, observation, desk research and focus groups. Focus groups are small collections of people, normally between 8 and 15, who are gathered...
Don’t Give Me The Double Thumbs Up Grandad!
Claudia CrosseJan 11, 2023 Research
Our latest Perspectus Global poll asked Gen Zs for feedback on some of the most common hand gestures. The result - a list of ten hand gestures that they believe are deeply uncool and should be consigned to the history books.The worst hand gesture you can make,...
New Year, New Research!
Evie PorterJan 5, 2023 Uncategorised
The cliché “a week is a long time in politics” was first spoken by Harold Wilson in the mid 1960s. It’s an overused phrase but like most clichés, it has become so because it contains a truth at its heart - events move quickly. Even though some of...
Perspectus Global Recruitment White Paper Findings
Evie PorterDec 19, 2022 Analysis, Guides, Research
This month we released our Recruitment White Paper, taking a journey through the modern job change process, through the eyes of British workers. The research dug into the problems, issues and challenges caused by a recruitment squeeze and a historically tight labour...
Five FAQs About Qualitative Research
Jon HorsleyDec 9, 2022 Guides, Research
We get asked a lot of questions about our research projects, especially when it comes to qualitative methods of gaining insight. So we thought it'd be useful to pull together the top five most common queries, and provide answers, for anyone who wants to know more...
Looking Forward To 31st October? What’s Your Star Sign?
Jon HorsleyOct 27, 2022 Analysis, Research
We ran research exploring the correlation between 2000 Brits’ star signs and how they feel about Halloween and the supernatural, and revealed some very interesting insights. Key findings from the study are below, and to read your full Halloween horror-scope, compiled...
Three Reasons Why We Love Desk Research
Caitlin MacLeanOct 27, 2022 Uncategorised
Desk research - also known as secondary or supplementary research - is the practice of pulling together facts, information and opinion which has already been published, into a new report. You can use desk research for an entire report - and it's a particular good...
Testing Times: The Importance of Testing With Research
Jon HorsleyJul 21, 2022 Uncategorised
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." - Alexander Graham Bell You have a great idea for a new product or launch. You are certain that people will want to buy it. It seems so obvious that it can hardly fail. ...
New research from Perspectus Global reveals the most annoying things you can do at work – but what is at number one?
Claudia CrosseMay 19, 2022 Uncategorised
We conducted a nationwide poll of British office workers to reveal a list of things that are seen as bad form at work … with the age old issue of someone taking credit for your hard work coming top with 37 percent of the vote. Stealing a colleague’s food...
Why robust research is more important than ever before
Evie PorterMar 2, 2022 Uncategorised
We’ve become aware in recent years that misinformation is everywhere. One of the growing vital problems of our age is working out fact from fiction. It’s not mere propaganda, rumours about science, celebrity deaths and even local news are so often twisted and...